Dr Hong Nguyen has launched her first book in the Catholic Children Series! Since becoming a mother and struggling to find Catholic resources for babies and toddlers, Dr Hong has decided to author and illustrated her own! Have fun learning numbers with colourful Catholic illustrations that your child will love!
Count from one God, two fish, three kings...to twelve disciples! Bible quote on the back cover: “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it”. Mark 10:15
Catholic Children Series is a family venture to inspire and educate children of God! Your support will ensure more books in the future!
Title: Catholic 123
Series: Catholic Children
Board book
Hand drawn illustrations Round corners 5" x 5" size 14 colour pages 80gram
Cost of board book including delivery within Australia: $12
Get your own copy to support Catholic Children Series!
Order Catholic 123 board book through eBay: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Catholic-123-Children-Board-Book/124292961548?hash=item1cf070150c:g:gfIAAOSwFHFfMSwd&frcectupt=true
Order Catholic 123 eBook through Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B088CRG8CM